W koszyku
Please do not Feed the Weirdo / R. L. Stine. - New York : Scholastic Inc., 2018. - 135 [10] stron ; 19 cm.
Forma i typ
Przynależność kulturowa
Po drugiej stronie miasta rozpoczął się festyn. Na dużym, zamkniętym terenie Jordan i jego siostra Karla widzą przygnębionego chłopca mniej więcej w ich wieku, siedzącego na trawie. Na wysokim metalowym płocie widnieje napis: PROSZĘ NIE KARMIĆ... Dzieci niechętnie sprzeciwiają się temu znakowi, ale chłopiec wydaje się naprawdę miły...
Jordan and his sister Karla beg their parents to take them to a big carnival that has opened on the other side of town. When they arrive, the two kids are delighted by the rides, the sideshow, the interesting displays, and the great food booths. They wander away from their parents and find themselves at a less-trafficked area at the back of the carnival. Inside a large penned-in area, they see a dejected-looking boy about their age sitting on the grass. A sign on the tall metal fence reads: PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE WEIRDO.The kids are reluctant to disobey the sign, but the boy seems really nice. Karla hands him her cone through the fence. He thanks her very politely. He eats the ice cream, delicately at first, then ravenously, noisily-and as Robby and Karla stare in horror, he transforms into a raging, hairy beast.
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Wypożyczalnia Zakopane
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